Second Transnational Project Meeting

Smart Farming team meets online from the beginning of the project once a month for Steering Committee meeting and discussion over current matters. Beside these online monthly meetings, the project foresees four meetings in different participating countries each 6 moths. 

After the first meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria, that was held in the first month of the project, the Second "in person" transnational meeting was planned to be hosted by SATEAN Foundation in Romania. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions in participating countries, partners had to meet online. The meeting was held for two full days on the 5th and 6th November 2020 and the agenda of the meeting included the following main topics:

Presentations of the findings of all country reports and the overall project report for Intellectual Output 1 Field and Desk Research

Testimony from a startup in the field of hydroponics from Italy - "Biopic", presents Renato Reggiani

Presentation "Food foresight - opportunities arising from COVID19 in Agrifood in Southern and Central Eastern Europe" -Klaudia Niwecka

Working discussion over the Intellectual Output 2 Handbook for trainers

The presentations from the event may be found here:

All results from Field and Desk Research could be found in the Downloadable content section of this website

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